An Unexpected Truce

If you put me and my elder brother in a single room, you can only have one result: chaos! Since the inception of my little life on this earth, my brother has given me a such a hard time (btw, the converse is also true). In my early childhood, when I was unable to defend myself, my brother would keep pulling my chubby chicks all the time. When I managed to stand on my feet (well, literally, the other ‘standing’ is still a lot far away), he would deliberately put my toys far away from me and make me walk all the way towards them. When I started going to school (and unfortunately, we went to the same school), he would drop in my class in the recess time (in the name of keeping a watch on me) and call me by terrible names (his favourite being ‘bibi’), and embarrass me in front of the whole class. And in my high school, when I would ask him to knot a tie for me, he would make such a great job that I would nearly die of suffocation. But I also accept that I have not been a saint! He ...