Importance(?) of 'The Right Decisions'

A CBSE student scoring north of 99% reminded me of a couple of friends of mine. One boy and one girl. I know them for past several years. Both are immensely talented, creative and hard-working ones. Both are one of the most intelligent people I have ever met in my life. Both went to the same college, shared the same stream and also shared a class for a couple of years. But, their decision-making skills are not similar. Not at all. The girl, who had also scored north of 99 in her 10th standard, is a keen yet populist decision maker. If you go by the public opinion, then she has hardly made a wrong decision in her life. The boy, on the other hand, is more of an outlaw. He prefers to consult his conscience while taking his decisions and is known for taking anti-populist decisions in his life. If you go by the public opinion, then he has taken several wrong decisions in his life. Though I don't have any right to, I'll still compare both of them (coz, you know...