What is your favorite quote from any movie? (or, 12 quotes from my 12 favourite movies)
I came across this question on Quora, and I couldn't stop myself answering it. And to be honest, I felt that citing just a single dialogue from a single movie is an injustice to my 23-years of short yer glorious(?) entertainment life.
So, here I present you some movies, which I have watched like gazillion times, and just a single dialogue from each of them, which is I have stored, somewhere in that subconscious mind of mine.
12 Angry Men
A Beautiful Mind
Bridges of Spies
Fight Club
Forrest Gump
Shutter Island

Into The Wild
Saving Private Ryan
The Pursuit of Happyness (My personal favourite)

The Social Network
So, tell me, which one is your favourite?
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