To The New God's (or What If Superheroes Were God's?)
Let's see what a sample news report will look like:
Date: 10-06-8017 (in today's format actually. In that world, the dates will probably follow BB and AB structure? Confused? Quite simple, Before Batman and After Batman ;) ).
News Bulletin:
- A heated debate between Russia and USA, on the topic of "which was the true universe: MCU or DCEU?", president Pump, a strong supporter of DCEU, has said that he will nuke his opponents. His Russian counterpart, President Tutin has argued that the Russians are the true descendants of the Avengers and should rule the world. Experts have predicted a possibility of cold-war between these two countries.

- An XYZ country (it's safe to not name a few things) has released a sanctioned a new law, which says that from now onwards, All the men should wear a black cape (honouring the god Batman) and all the women should wear a tiara and skimpy clothes (honouring the goddess Diana). If anybody is found to break this law, he/she will be severely punished.

- A country in the Gulf region has been banned by other Gulf nations, as it believes in the existence of The Ironman. The leading Gulf nation has asked the world to unite, in the name of the Superman, and ban the rogue Gulf country.

- Meanwhile, a terrorist organisation has declared a war on the world, accusing that their god, The Aquaman, isn't given the respect it deserves.

- It is also believed that another terrorist organisation is brainwashing the youth of several other nations and asking them to annihilate other nations, "In the name of The Punisher".

- A huge statue of some strange god, The Deadpool, was erected in the western part of the Switzerland.

- According to the latest report, the leftist party won the French election on the promise of searching all the infinity stones.

- The UK has called for a referendum, to check if it should stay in the league of The Avenger countries or go solo and worship only Captain America. A new rumour, that the Cap was actually Hydra, has diminished the chances of this exit, popularly known as the Brexit.
- Japan has declined the possibility of an existence of any other worlds. They say, that Manga was the only existent world.
- The World is eagerly waiting for the new episode in the holy Japanese Manga, "One Piece".

- Meanwhile, Indian PM has said that he supports neither MCU nor DCEU and will keep the country secular.
- A new theory, saying that Nagraj and GauMata as the only two possible deities are gaining popularity.
P.S.: Special thanks to Siddharth Lakhera for intellectual stimulation and some of the inputs.
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